
Monday, January 16, 2017


1.Rice Flour-2 cups
2.Refined Flour-1 cup
3.Grated Coconut-2 cups
4.Date Syrup/Nolen Gur-1 kg
5.Warm water as required
6.Full cream milk-2 ltrs.


For Stuffing:
Place a non stick pan on put the grated coconut into it.stir it for few minutes in low flame.then add to it the Nolen gur(250-300gms approx).mix it very well with the coconut and stir the mixture for 5-7 minutes in low flame till it leaves a good smell and the mixture becomes a bit sticky.then take it out from the pan.keep the mixture aside and let it allow to cool in room temperature. Stuffing is ready.

For Puli:
In a bowl pour the rice flour and refined flour.mix them by adding warm water knead and make a soft dough.
Now,from the dough,take a small portion.shape it like a small ball.then flatten it like a small place a small portion of coconut stuffing into the middle and give it a shape of Gujia or Puli.follow the same process for rest of the pulis.
Now take a deep bottomed vessel.pour the milk into it and place it on the gas.let the milk boil.stir the milk till it gets a bit thicker. Then add to it all the pulis.let the pulis boil into the milk for few minutes. Lastly add the Nolen gur into the milk and stir for another 10 minutes.
Now switch off the gas.
Let it cool in room temperature.
Doodh Puli is ready to serve.