
Thursday, March 26, 2020


Though this is my Food Blog,but today's topic is not at all related with my any cooking recipe.This is totally a different topic related to our current situation...

When I was very young,in every vacation I used to visit my grandparents'place.On those days,my grandfather used to told me about several natural calamities,disasters,wars etc.They had gone through WW2, BRitish Rule,Plague,Partition etc.
Compared to them,we lived relatively safe life.This NOVEL CORONAVIRUS is the first big challenge of our life.
Since it is going to stay for a while,let us not sulk down in fear,but let us look at its novel opportunities.Actually nowadays we have everything in excess in our life.So now after our life of excess we  are now forced to practice less due to this Home Quarantine.To me it is a Blessing Within Curse.
So Eat less,Drink less,Smoke less.A sure path to health.O Yes,kindly Talk Less😊 which leads to less lying and less fighting.Home Quarantine leads to No Eating Out(good for meπŸ˜€),No Shopping(good for all husbandsπŸ˜‰πŸ˜€),No philandering.
Suddenly there is all the time in the world to take care of yourself,to do that yoga,that meditation which we kept avoiding citing lack of time.
The drastic change outside brings about dramatic change within.21 days of quarantine is not a punishment.CORONA is a nature's way of telling us that we have moved far away from MOTHER EARTH,Relations,Sentiments to enjoy a virtual world.These Days can be well spent in introspection and soul searching.
Another positive change I have noticed that my annoying allergic cough has suddenly vanished.And I am sure,the reason is Smog free air outside.Nowadays oxygen is much more pure which we are inhaling.There is a big Mango tree and a Gulmohar tree just beside my apartment.Nowadays from those trees I can hear beautiful song and chirping of different birds.I can see the stars are shinning from the clear sky after a long time.
Dolphins are spotted near Mumbai city shores after a long long time which was a dream for Mumbaikers....
Nature is in tune with our life again.
I think everyone of us was searching this beautiful Mother Nature since decades.
Mother Nature was taken for grunted by us.So CORONAVIRUS is just a lesson from her to the Human Race.
So My Loving Friends,
Don't Lock Down Your Heart...
Don't Lock Down Your Soul....
Don't Lock Down Your Emotions....
Don't Lock Down Your Gratitude....
Don't Lock Down Your Kindness...
Don't Lock Down Your Prayers For The Whole World....
Just Lock Down Yourself For The Sake Of This World...

Together Definitely We Will Overcome This Crises ....



Sunday, July 14, 2019


1.Boneless bhetki/Basa Fish(Lightly Fried with salt) -1kg
2.Onion Paste-2 tablespoons
3.Ginger Paste-11/2 tablespoons
4.Garlic Paste-1 tablespoon
5.Roasted Peanuts Dust-2 teaspoons
6.Roasted Cashew nuts dust-1teaspoon
7.Roasted Melon seeds Dust-1 teaspoon
8.Whole Garam Masala
9.Bay Leaves-2/3
10.Chopped Tomatoes -1/2 cup
11.Capsicum Paste-3 tablespoons

12.Ghee or Sunflower Oil(accourding to your preference) -As required
13.Salt as required
14.Turmeric as required
15.Sugar as required

First place a non stick shallow bottomed pan on fire. Put some ghee or oil into it. Let it be warm. Then add whole garam masala and bay leaves for tempering. After that add onion paste, ginger-garlic paste. Stir for few minutes until the raw smell of onion,ginger and garlic paste get vanished. Then put salt and turmeric according to the taste. After that add one by one capsicum paste, chopped tomatoes. Cook for few minutes. Then add to it roasted melon seeds dust, peanuts dust and cashew nuts dust. Cook for few minutes until the oil is visible from the side of the spices. Lastly add the lightly fried fish. Scramble the fish with the spoon and mix with the spices properly. Cook for another 7-10 minutes. Lastly spread 1   teaspoon of ghee and sugar and cover the pan with a lid.Put off the flame. Give standing time for 5-10 minutes. Fish Bharta is ready to serve.

Monday, January 16, 2017


1.Rice Flour-2 cups
2.Refined Flour-1 cup
3.Grated Coconut-2 cups
4.Date Syrup/Nolen Gur-1 kg
5.Warm water as required
6.Full cream milk-2 ltrs.


For Stuffing:
Place a non stick pan on put the grated coconut into it.stir it for few minutes in low flame.then add to it the Nolen gur(250-300gms approx).mix it very well with the coconut and stir the mixture for 5-7 minutes in low flame till it leaves a good smell and the mixture becomes a bit sticky.then take it out from the pan.keep the mixture aside and let it allow to cool in room temperature. Stuffing is ready.

For Puli:
In a bowl pour the rice flour and refined flour.mix them by adding warm water knead and make a soft dough.
Now,from the dough,take a small portion.shape it like a small ball.then flatten it like a small place a small portion of coconut stuffing into the middle and give it a shape of Gujia or Puli.follow the same process for rest of the pulis.
Now take a deep bottomed vessel.pour the milk into it and place it on the gas.let the milk boil.stir the milk till it gets a bit thicker. Then add to it all the pulis.let the pulis boil into the milk for few minutes. Lastly add the Nolen gur into the milk and stir for another 10 minutes.
Now switch off the gas.
Let it cool in room temperature.
Doodh Puli is ready to serve.

Saturday, December 31, 2016


1.Refined Flour-2 cups
2.Milk-11/2 cups
3.Ghee-1 tablespoon
4.Salt-1 teaspoon
5.Cookie cutter 

For Sugar Syrup:
1.Sugar-2 cups
2.Water-1 cup

For Deep Frying:
1.White oil/Ghee

First ,place a deep bottomed pan on gas.
Pour the whole milk into it.
Add the salt.Let it boil.
Then pour the refined flour into the boiled milk.
Mix well.Cover it.
Switch off the gas.
Take out the cooked flour in a bowl.
Add to it the ghee.Mix it well with the flour.
Knead it into a soft dough.
Now time to make the roses.
Take a portion from the dough. Roll it to a big circle.
Now with the help of a cookie cutter,cut small circles from the big circle.
The process of making the rose is shown below in the video.
After making the roses, keep them aside.
Place a wok on flame.
Pour oil or ghee.
Let it be hot.
Now deep fry the roses till their colour turn to light brown.

For Sugar Syrup:
In a container, pour the sugar,cardamom, cloves.Add to it the water.
Put the container on flame.
Let it boil.
Sugar Syrup is ready.

Now dip the deep fried roses into the sugar syrup.let them be into the syrup for some time.
After that take them out from the syrup and serve the yummy GOLAP PITHA....

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Spicy Potato Wedges

1.Boiled potato(medium size)-2
2.Garam masala powder-1 teaspoon
3.Dried mixed herbs-1 teaspoon
4.Salt according to taste
5.Black pepper powder-1 teaspoon
6.Red chilli powder-1 teaspoon
7.Finely chopped garlic-1 teaspoon
8.Sunflower oil-3 tablespoons
For Dip:
1.Mayonnaise-1 tablespoon
2.English mustard sauce-2 teaspoons
3.Honey-1 teaspoon
4.Tomato ketchup-1 teaspoon
5.Parsley leaves (chopped)-1 teaspoon

Take one bowl.cut the boiled potatoes with skin into wedges.Add to it 1 tablespoon oil,salt,pepper powder,red chilli powder, herbs,chopped garlic,garam masala powder.Mix well and set aside.
Heat the remaining oil in a non- stick tawa.Now shallow fry the marinated potato wedges in tawa.Fry till they are golden crisp from both the sides.

For Dip:
In a small bowl,mix together the mayonnaise, mustard sauce,honey,tomato ketchup and parsley leaves.Refrigerate the dip for half an hour.

Enjoy the Crispy Spicy Potato Wedges with tasty Dip.

Monday, December 19, 2016


1.Paneer/Cottage Cheese-200gms
2.Black gram(Soaked and boiled)-1 cup
3.Multi grain burger buns-4
4.Button mushrooms-11/12
5.Onion(cut into dices)-1(medium size)
6.Yellow bell pepper-1(cut into dices).
7.Red bell pepper-1(cut into dices)
8.Green capsicum-1(cut into dices)
9.Sunflower oil-2 tablespoons
10.Salt to taste
11.Crushed black pepper corns-1 tablespoon
12.Dried herbs-1 tablespoon
13.Bread crumbs-1/4 cup
14.Mayonnaise as required
15.Cheese slices-4
16.Lettuce leaves-4-5 pieces(soaked in ice water)
17.Tomato slices-7-8 pieces

First slice mushrooms.
Then put black grams(boiled), onion,all bell peppers, mushrooms in a  food processorand process into a fine mixture.
Now,place a non-stick pan on flame. Pour 1 tablespoon oil into it.add to it the mixture. Add to it salt,crushed pepper corns,dried herbs.mix well and cook for 2 minutes.
Now remove from heat.transfer the cooked mixture into a bowl. Let it cool in room temperature.
After that crumble the cottage cheese and add to the mixture. Mix well.keep it in refrigerator for some time.
Now add the breadcrumbs to mixture and mix well. Divide the mixture into equal portions and give them a shape of patty.
Place a non stick tawa on flame. Pour 1 tablespoon oil and let it be hot.
Now shallow fry the patties till they are evenly done from both the sides.
Now cut the burger buns horizontally into halves.toast them on tawa by adding slight butter.
To assemble burgers,first apply mayonnaise on both the parts of the lettuce leavesover it.then place tomato slices and cheese slice.sprinkle salt,pepper powder,herbs on place the patty on top and cover with another part of the bun.
Similarly make other burgers.
Black Gram-Paneer burger is ready.
It is a very tasty as well as healthy dish for everyone specially for kids.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


1.Shahi Cumin Seeds-4 tablespoons
2.Coriander Seeds-6 tablespoons
3.Green Cardamom-8
4.Black Cardamom-4
5.Cinnamon Sticks-4
6.Cloves-2 teaspoon
7.White Pepper corns-1 teaspoon
8.Black pepper corns-1 teaspoon
9.Bay Leaves-4
10.Fennel Seeds-2 tablespoons
11.Star Anise-3
12.Mace Flower-3
14.Stone flowers-4

Put a dry tawa on flame.then roast all the spices on tawa in low flame.
Be careful, the spices should not be burnt.
Then take them out from the tawa.let it cool in room temperature.
After that grind them in a blender to a fine powder.
Sieve the powder and store it in an air tight jar.
Prepare ur favourite biryani with this fresh,pure and aromatic home made masala. It is much more pure than the market biryani masala.